Epiphany mood
Here in Italy Epiphany - commonly the epiphany witch Befana - has the honour of taking away with her the festive period. The Christmas decorations will be taken off after this day. Usually we in Finland do it a bit earlier, just after Christmas, but as I'm a huge Christmas fan (how can you not be!) I love the fact that we can keep the decorations and lights and such on until Epiphany.
This year Christmas was so much fun and it was extremely relaxing: our kids are getting bigger and things are easier now - all of you out there with small children know what I mean. So it is actually quite sad that tomorrow is the first schoolday after the Holidays and I'm currently trying to keep the Christmas mood on at home for as long as I can!
I hope the following images of one of the most cutest wooden cabins will keep the festive mood on with you too! They're not recent but the owner of the cabin says he keeps the same Christmas decorations on every year and imagines all the World has stopped. I love that kind of thinking and every Christmas time as I read articles of decorations this cabin wins my heart all over again. I do wish the World would stop for some days more... I also love the fact that he admittedly says he has some of the very finest Christmas kitsch-decor in his cabin: but if you do kitsch the way he does, you can go kitsch all the way! It is just beautiful. There are many decorations I remember from my childhood and loved them then, but would've tossed away from my home: and look at them here. They're perfect! Which is to say it again: never underestimate the power of a great eye for interiors.
I do warn you: this house is candy for all the Christmas lovers. Be prepared!
Photo credits @satu_nystrom