Ultima Thule by Tapio Wirkkala for Iittala 50 years
Discovering Northern Finland
Tapio Wirkkala, the legendary designer, is considered to be the most important figure in modern Finnish industrial art. His portfolio contains products from glass to furniture, sculptures and to design of banknotes, just to name a few.
Like a good part of the Finns, and despite his worldwide success, he was a hermit by nature. His favorite place where he created many of his works, is located in northern Finland, far from urban centers and crowds of people. A place not reachable even by car.
Ultima Thule is Wirkkala's work that has captured in a suggestive and impressive way this connection that he had with nature. This beautiful series is immediately recognizable by the dripping icicles of his beloved Lapland.
This year, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Ultima Thule, Iittala produces a limited edition of Ultima Thule Rain, the color that evokes Northern Finland.
This collection is a limited edition to 2018 - find out the full collection on stock!