Christmas Calendar - 22

Today we're dedicating the day for hyacinths, one of the most traditional and loved Christmas flowers in Scandinavia. This beautiful little bulb is gorgeous when it's both closed and when it's open. The delicate perfume it releases indoors makes my heart sing just one song: Christmas has arrived! Since I was a little girl my mother decorated our home with hyacinths. She put also one to each kidsroom - these are childhood memories which I guess I'll never forget and that's why I'm so happy to easily find these flowes here from Rome too. It wasn't too easy a few years back! I love to place a plant or two n to Iittala's Aalto vase, with or without other decorations. Maybe this year I'll just leave it like this...
In this window you'll find the newest vase additions to Iittala's Aalto Collection. The new size and model is functional for various types of flower settings and with its soft, wave-like curves the vase allows flowers and twigs to find their place naturally.
Your gift today is a 15€ discount on every purchase of Aalto vase 220mm clear. The discount code is 22DIC, valid through 31st of December 2017 and subject to availability.