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Vappu celebration

We start our Vappu (May Day) celebration already today in Finland. The traditional drink called Sima is prepared some days before from water, cane sugar (brown soft, it's called fariinisokeri), lemons and yeast, so that the drink would contain some bubbles. This slighty sweet drink will be accompanied with traditional sweets like donuts and tippaleipa (in the picture below).
Our Vappu offer consists on these beautiful multipurpose glasses by Iittala
Vappu is one of the most important and most felt celebrations in Finland, because it is a sign of the ending of winter and beginning of spring. In Helsinki students wash the statue of Havis Amanda close to Kauppatori. Everybody uses their academic hats if they have one, both today and tomorrow,  and also Havis Amanda will receive hers later in the evening which is a sort of a celebration of investiture. 
The day after, 1st of May, people gather to Kaivopuisto for the traditional picnic, and the park is always completely packed up! That's why people usually choose one of the friends to go there early to reserve a good spot, usually the same they've been using for years in a row. It may well be the only time you'll ever seen a bunch of finns gathered so closely together, as we like to keep some physical distance from other people. ;) Vappu no doubt transforms the city to a carnival!
Have a sunny 1st of May!
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