Harmaja Saimaa by Kannustalo at the Finnish Housing Fair 2017
Although Wave was definitely the most interesting home to see at the Housing Fair in Finland this year, my personal favourite, not surprisingly, is Harmaja Saimaa by Kannustalo. That's greatly due to the wonderful styling by Susanna Vento. Kannustalo comes from the same area where I grew up in, so I'd have to say I'm a bit impartial to choose their home as my favourite, but it is undeniably functional and pretty. May not be the house I'd actually want to live in, but I sure am envy of the location by the lake and of the wonderful design.
I love the colour sceme indoors, which features also a dark burgundy wall - the mixture of colour was done by Susanna Vento herself and will shortly be released also in Tikkurila's world of colours.
There's also one little detail I absolutely love. It also brings a lot of memories as it was something familiar to any home built in 1950's and 1960's. Fingerpanels. I loved them then (my grandparents had them in their home) and I was greatly saddened when in the 1980's and 1990's everybody tore the fingerpanels off the walls - they weren't trendy anymore. So glad to see them here!
Let's see the pics of this very classy home!